Hmm - there are some hydrogens which are simply not fixable from chemistry, or electron density at low (ie <1.5A!) resolution - any of us who have looked in vain for them can testify to that - and I cant think that it is good to add in scatterers when you dont know where they are.

The ones determined uniquely I do include once the structure is as well positioned as the experiment allows..


 - On 01/07/2011 06:35 PM, Andrew T. Torelli wrote:
Hi Kenneth,

        There are recognized advantages to including riding hydrogens during 
refinement, even at low resolution.  Others have written on this better than I 
could (the following link is a post to the CCP4bb from the archives):

-Andy Torelli

-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Kenneth 
A. Satyshur
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 11:16 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Do carbon scattering include hydrogen

Persons of interest:

I understood that refinements in refmac of low res structures without hydrogens 
includes a component of the Hydrogen atom attached to the carbon in the carbon 
scattering factors. Or is this just if the Hydrogen atoms
  are in the riding position. If so, why bother to add hydrogens in the riding 


Kenneth A. Satyshur, M.S.,Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin 53706

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