Dear all, I want refine my model using TLS plus phase information from experimental phases. I used the TLSMD server to generate the initial tls parameters and started Refmac After an initial round of TLS refinement Refmac stops and and claims a problem but nevertheless writes at the end "Task completed successfully" and does not write any file despite it claims to have it done. I copied a part of the log file at the end of the mail Could anyone point me to the mistake i made probably?
Thanks in advance Christian #CCP4I VERSION CCP4Interface 2.0.6 #CCP4I SCRIPT LOG refmac5 #CCP4I DATE 11 Oct 2010 17:37:30 #CCP4I USER roth #CCP4I PROJECT sharpoutputrefinement #CCP4I JOB_ID 19 #CCP4I SCRATCH /tmp #CCP4I HOSTNAME #CCP4I PID 13018 <B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><!--SUMMARY_BEGIN--> <html> <!-- CCP4 HTML LOGFILE --> <hr> <!--SUMMARY_END--></FONT></B> <B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><!--SUMMARY_BEGIN--> <pre> ############################################################### ############################################################### ############################################################### ### CCP4 6.1: Refmac_5.5.0109 version 5.5.0109 : 13/10/09## ############################################################### User: unknown Run date: 11/10/2010 Run time: 17:37:30 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 1994. "The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography". Acta Cryst. D50, 760-763. as well as any specific reference in the program write-up. <!--SUMMARY_END--></FONT></B> $TEXT:Reference1: $$ comment $$ "Refinement of Macromolecular Structures by the Maximum-Likelihood Method:" G.N. Murshudov, A.A.Vagin and E.J.Dodson,(1997) Acta Crystallogr. D53, 240-255 EU Validation contract: BIO2CT-92-0524 $$ $SUMMARY :Reference1: $$ Refmac: $$ :TEXT:Reference1: $$ Data line--- make check NONE Data line--- make hydrogen ALL hout NO peptide NO cispeptide NO ssbridge YES symmetry YES sugar YES connectivity NO link NO Data line--- refi type REST PHASE SCBL BBLU resi MLKF meth CGMAT bref ISOT Data line--- refi tlsc 10 Data line--- ncyc 25 Data line--- scal type SIMP LSSC ANISO EXPE Data line--- solvent YES Data line--- weight MATRIX 0.1 Data line--- monitor MEDIUM torsion 10.0 distance 10.0 angle 10.0 plane 10.0 chiral 10.0 bfactor 10.0 bsphere 10.0 rbond 10.0 ncsr 10.0 Data line--- labin FP=FP SIGFP=SIGFP HLA=HLA HLB=HLB HLC=HLC HLD=HLD FREE=FreeR_flag Data line--- labout FC=FC FWT=FWT PHIC=PHIC PHWT=PHWT DELFWT=DELFWT PHDELWT=PHDELWT FOM=FOM PHCOMB=PHCOMB Data line--- PNAME sharpoutputrefinement Data line--- DNAME hrsync Data line--- RSIZE 80 Data line--- END OPENED INPUT MTZ FILE Logical Name: HKLIN Filename: /homes/roth/dlhdata/sharp/eden_unique.mtz Spacegroup information obtained from library file: Logical Name: SYMINFO Filename: /software/linuxsoft/ccp4/ccp4-6.1.3/lib/data/syminfo.lib **** Input and Default parameters# **** Input coordinate file. Logical name - XYZIN actual file name - /homes/roth/dlhdata/sharp/shrefmac9.pdb Output coordinate file. Logical name - XYZOUT actual file name - /homes/roth/dlhdata/sharp/shrefmac10.pdb Input reflection file. Logical name - HKLIN actual file name - /homes/roth/dlhdata/sharp/eden_unique.mtz Output reflection file. Logical name - HKLOUT actual file name - /homes/roth/dlhdata/sharp/eden_refmac3.mtz Cell from mtz : 61.560 69.500 133.350 90.000 90.000 90.000 Space group from mtz: number - 19; name - P 21 21 21 Refinement type : Restrained ***TLS refinement cycle*** 2 1 0.1153065 0.1254572 0.1168760 1.2506233E-02 2.1331017E-03 1.5424690E-04 -1.4598943E-02 -3.3578421E-03 -1.7373050E-02 -3.3114674E-03 -1.3628958E-02 -2.4346421E-03 -8.4016532E-02 4.1347187E-02 -0.1191208 -0.1013065 -0.1222848 0.1371335 -0.2420141 5.1373582E-02 -0.3787168 Problem xyz 1107 48.64835 38.25826 83.76399 -34.85817 8.685342 -6.930134 -12.26284 -18.79212 3.157892 19.69073 -34.85817 0.6871372 23.66340 -0.3420097 -0.5949482 0.7273692 *************************************************************************** * Information from CCP4Interface script *************************************************************************** Writing final coordinates (XYZOUT) to /homes/roth/dlhdata/sharp/shrefmac10.pdb *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** * Information from CCP4Interface script *************************************************************************** Writing final phases (HKLOUT) to /homes/roth/dlhdata/sharp/eden_refmac3.mtz *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** * Information from CCP4Interface script *************************************************************************** Writing final TLS (TLSOUT) to /homes/roth/dlhdata/sharp/dlhtls_refmac1.tls *************************************************************************** #CCP4I TERMINATION STATUS 1 #CCP4I TERMINATION TIME 11 Oct 2010 17:42:38 #CCP4I TERMINATION OUTPUT_FILES /homes/roth/dlhdata/sharp/sharpoutputrefinement_19_hrsync.refmac.cif sharpoutputrefinement #CCP4I MESSAGE Task completed successfully