Hi YB,

There is a nice new paper online, dealing with this subject:



Am 04.10.10 17:09 schrieb "Owen Pornillos" unter <o...@scripps.edu>:

>>> Could anybody tell me how to detect the concentration of detergent?
> From Butler et al. (2004) J Mol Biol 340: 797-808
> The concentration of DDM was determined by a colorimetric assay that detects
> the sugar component of the detergent, which has given results identical with
> the standard procedure using radioactive DDM (T. Warne, unpublished data). A
> 60 μl sample containing 4–16 μg of detergent was mixed briefly with 300 μl of
> 5% (w/v) phenol and then 720 μl of concentrated sulphuric acid was added
> followed immediately by vortex mixing for five seconds. The samples were left
> to cool for 30 minutes and then the absorbance at 490 nm was measured. A
> typical standard curve contained six samples containing between 0 μg and 20 μg
> of DDM, which gave a straight line (r2>0.97).
> HTH,
> Owen
> On Oct 4, 2010, at 10:42 AM, Van Den Berg, Bert wrote:
>>  Hi YB,
>>  For membrane protein crystallization it is common practice (although not
>> always necessary) to dialyze the protein after the final concentration step
>> (against GF buffer). The problem with DDM is that dialysis is slow due to the
>> low cmc, and in general it is advisable to finish the prep and set up drops
>> as quickly as possible. I would not dialyze more than 1 x O/N, although if
>> your protein is really stable you could try longer. You could also try 100
>> kDa cutoff concentrators, as these may allow passage of empty DDM micelles.
>> As for measuring the detergent concentration, in the case of DDM and other
>> sugar-containing detergents you could do a sugar (Fehling’s) kind of assay.
>> I’m not sure if anything has been published, but it should be fairly easy to
>> do. You could also try TLC, but this may be less accurate.
>>  Also, 10 mg/ml is not high at all (although its a good starting point), and
>> you should try much higher if most drops are clear: try 50 mg/ml and see what
>> happens.
>>  Good luck, Bert
>>  On 10/4/10 10:28 AM, "yybbll" <yyb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>>  I want to crystallize a symport transporter, which contains 12
>>> transmembrane alpha-helices. We used Ni-resin column firstly, and then size
>>> exclusion. After size exclusion, only one peak, it is very nice. the final
>>> condition is 10 mM mes, 100 mM NaCl, 10 mM sucrose, 1 mM DTT, and 0.02% DDM.
>>> The CMC of DDM is about 0.008%. However, when we concentrate protein using a
>>> concentrator with 50 kDa cutoff, detergent all was concentrated. So final
>>> the concentration of detergent should be very high (10 times more than CMC).
>>> We don't know how to detect the concentration of detergent. We used these
>>> samples to grow crystal. We found almost drops are clear, and the final
>>> concentration of protein is about 10 mg/ml. For membrane protein, I think
>>> this concentration is high. But for us, we can obtain so high concentration
>>> easily. 
>>>  Could anybody tell me how to detect the concentration of detergent?
>>>  And how to  dilute detergent?
>>>  Thanks all.
>>>  Y.B. Lin
>>>  2010-10-04 
>>> yybbll 

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