Vandu Murugan wrote:
Dear all,
I have collected a 2.7 angstrom home source data with Cu-Kalpha source for a protein with 6 cysteines, with a multiplicity of around 23. I need to know, is there any significant anamolous signal present in the data set, since there is no good model for my protein. Can any one tell, which program to run, and what parameter to see? Thanks in advance.

When processing the data, ensure that Bijvoet pairs are not merged. The data processing software should provide you with an R-ano value and that is already a start. The values provided should tell you if you have an anomalous signal or not. You may also have to play with the number of frames to integrate in order to obtain an "optimal" anomalous signal in the resulting data set.

There are several publications describing Sulphur SAD, but one of them which is freely available on the Web can be found here: , Schiltz M (pp 4-6).

Good luck!


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