Dear all,
Thank you to all those who responded to my question about freezing crystals 
grown in isopropanol.
To recap:
- my crystals grew in 25% isopropanol, plus some citrate buffer at pH4.5 (no 
other ingredients).
- my crystals grew at room temperature, in 1micro-litre sitting drops, in 
Innovaplate SD-2 crystallization plates.
Summary of comments/suggestions from CCP4BB:
- harvesting crystals in the cold room to reduce isopropanol evaporation
- use the mother liquor (i.e. isopropanol) as cryoprotectant
- overlay the drop with oil to reduce isopropanol evaporation; some oils can 
also serve as a cryoprotectants
- bathe the work area in a stream of air or nitrogen that has been 
pre-saturated with the reservoir solution
- using special crystallization plates, such as Vapor Batch plates
- Trying to grow the same crystals using a different precipitant (e.g. 
butanediol, PEG6000)
Here is what I did:
- working in the cold room helped a little, but there was still significant 
isopropanol evaporation
- covering the drop with oil reduced isopropanol evaporation and made 
harvesting the crystals relatively straightforward
- I tried the following cryoprotectants
  * Freezing crystals directly from mother liquor: massive ice rings, very poor 
  * 20-30% glycerol: substantial ice rings
  * 20-30% ethylene glycol: substantial ice rings
  * Perfluoropolyether oil: a reasonable cryoprotectant, minimal ice rings
  * 20% MPD: minimal ice rings
Using the MPD condition, we were able to collect a dataset to 2.8A resolution.

Thanks again for all your advice -- best wishes,


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