My name is Jack Reynolds and I am economics major. I graduate in August and begin an MBA program shortly thereafter. I am exploring a business idea that involves protein crystal growth and x-ray diffraction in the microgravity environment of space.
I hope the group can indulge me a few questions. If this group is not the proper forum for this, please feel free to let me know and I will go elsewhere. Thanks. 1. Have there been some new techniques developed to grow crystals in terrestrial labs that may produce crystals comparable in quality to those grown in space. Despite these advances, is there still a role for protein growth in an actual microg environment? 2. Has the process of growing crystals been automated? Is there any step in the process of growing crystals that has not or cannot be automated? 3. Has the process of x-ray diffraction been automated? Is there any step in the process of x-ray diffraction that has not or cannot be automated? I have many other questions, but that's a good start. Thanks. Jack