As I see there is no chirality definition for NAG-ASN link (perhaps there should be but then people will be unhappy even more). Only reason i can see for this flattening is conflict between geometry and electron density. Your example shows that even if electron density is weak it may play a role and correct orientation of sugar may matter. And there is no torsion angle restraint for this particular link (at least no dictionary definition for this. Programs may generate them on fly but I would not do it)

As I see it is not a bug or infamous chirality problem (poor chirality: it is getting attacked from all four corners) but shortcomings of fitting into electron density (user or program, it is a different matter).

Full link description (apart from removal of O1 HO1 of and HD22 of ASN) is here:

 NAG-ASN  1 C1      2 ND2       single      1.439     .020
 NAG-ASN  1 C1      2 ND2     2 CG      121.000    3.000
 NAG-ASN  1 C1      2 ND2     2 HD2     119.000    3.000
 NAG-ASN  1 O5      1 C1      2 ND2     112.300    3.000
 NAG-ASN    plane1    1 C1         .020
 NAG-ASN    plane1    2 ND2        .020
 NAG-ASN    plane1    2 CG         .020
 NAG-ASN    plane1    2 OD1        .020
 NAG-ASN    plane1    2 CB         .020
 NAG-ASN    plane1    2 HD21       .020


On 21 Apr 2010, at 10:37, Debreczeni, Judit wrote:

I've seen flattening of the C1 atom recently in Coot - in that case the reason was that, as the density wasn't really clear around the sugar, I'd fitted it 180 degrees rotated around the ASN-ND2---C1-NAG bond. In such cases Coot happily flattens the sugar ring such that C1 C2 C3 C5 O5 are in a plane, just locked half way between chair and boat.

Bug? Or yet another bite of the torsions/chiralities monster?

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-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of Paul Emsley
Sent: 20 April 2010 23:57
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] geometry problems with sugars

tirumal wrote:
Hi All,

My question is concerning geometry of NAGs in a glycoprotein structure.

Fire away...

I recently solved the structure of a glycoprotein to 3 Å and modeled
NAGs linked to Asn at 3 different places.  NAGs and Asn-NAG links are
refined in Phenix.refine as per the Phenix dictionary.

Errr.. that'll be the Refmac dictionary.

However, when submitting the structure to the PDB, internal validation
of PDB found that NAGs at 2 places have geometry problems (atoms
surrounding the C1 of NAG are in the same plane).

The surrounding atoms being the ND2, O5 and C2, I presume.  The C1
should not (of course) be in the plane of those 3 atoms.

What I learned from Phenix bulletin board is that the refinement
program is probably fixing the NAG into a local minimal structure to
fit to the density the best (I have OK density for sugars) and that's
causing the problem.

It seems unlikely to me that you density would be sufficiently strong to
put C1, ND2, O5 and C2 into a plane.

So, I tried to fix the geometry of NAG while refining, so that the
refinement does not change the geometry of the sugar. But, still the
internal validation of PDB found the same problem with the sugars.

I don't follow this.  How can you fix the atoms of the NAG and then
refine it (and expect things to move)?

Then, I tried replacing the NAGs with ideal monomers from Coot.

"Get Monomer" in Coot use LIBCHECK to generate coordinates and restraints.

I can use "Get Monomer" to import a NAG and create and refine a N-link
quite happily (after deleting the O1 and HO1 of course - Coot won't do
that for you yet).

Still, the problem persisted. PDB annotator's suggestion is to get the
NAG coordinates from HIC-Up and try refinement in another program.

A very worthy path to pursue...

I am wondering if any one else noticed (or had ) a similar problem
with NAG geometry  using either Phenix.refine or Coot.

I don't see a problem.

What baffles me  is that the ideal NAG from coot dictionary did not
pass the internal validation of the PDB.

I'd find that surprising too (and to be accurate, it's from LIBCHECK and
just imported into Coot).

I would appreciate if any one has any suggestion (other than trying a
different refinement program) to get around this problem.

Perish the thought of suggesting a CCP4 refinement program on this
list... :)

Is there a way to compare the NAGs in your structure to the ideal and
get to know what to fix ?

I must admit that I'm curious to know what the PDB has against CCP4's NAG.



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