Hi Dirk,
When it happens that I reply to a ccp4bb message and that the answer, or
solution I may have (which I think is "better" or "more appropriate")
involves using non-ccp4 programs, I do it off-list. By replying
privately to the person who asked the question.
Dirk Kostrewa wrote:
Dear Gerard,
I can only agree with you - I've also noticed a growing and sometimes
irritating cross-advertisement of non-CCP4 programs on the CCP4BB over
the last months (mainly Phenix). Unless, the specific task that was
asked for, can only be (reasonably) solved with non-CCP4 programs,
such replies leave a somewhat bad aftertaste.
Personally, I think, it would be perfectly acceptable if both
solutions with CCP4 programs and other programs would be given, so
that the user may choose, or try them all.
Best wishes,