I'd support BR's position. Why the compelling urge to fill every blob with 
atoms? Density should only be modeled when its interpretable. One can comment 
about the blob in a paper, and perhaps even show maps for the region, 
indicating that there might be something there if its believed to be a 
functionally important region. One could deposit without building in this site, 
but say that combinations of disorder ions/water etc all fit the density 
equally well.
From: Bostjan Kobe [b.k...@uq.edu.au]
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] unknown density

I think there is at least one more option here (relevant at least in some rare 
Identifying what that something is likely to be can be significant and may 
advance your career

Of course it is important to present supporting or otherwise evidence for the 
interpretation. As already discussed, this is difficult in a PDB file, and 
that’s why the accompanying publication can be very important.


On 4/02/10 3:54 AM, "Bernhard Rupp" <b...@ruppweb.org> wrote:

General remark – if I may
Putting nothing in:
no significant effect on model and life in general
Putting ‘something’ potentially wrong and misleading in:
could be detrimental to your career


From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:ccp...@jiscmail.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Katja 
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 9:18 AM
Subject: [ccp4bb] unknown density

  Dear all,

 I found some fairly substantial density in the active site of my protein 
structure. But I don´t know what it should be. My crystallisation condition 
consists of lithium sulfate, citrate-phosphate and peg1000. The whole lot 
doesn't make a dashed bit of sense!  Any suggestions to fill this density with 
 Picture is attached.

 Thanks a lot,


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Bostjan Kobe
ARC Federation Fellow
Professor of Structural Biology
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
  and Institute for Molecular Bioscience (Division of Chemistry and Structural 
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Phone: +61 7 3365 2132
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E-mail: b.k...@uq.edu.au
URL: http://profiles.bacs.uq.edu.au/Bostjan.Kobe.html
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