Hi everyone I just downloaded and installed the newest ccp4i release, including Coot 0.6.0. It all seemed fine, except when I try to run refmac from ccp4i, using the "Run Coot:findwaters", process fails with error message;
* ************************************************************************** * *The program run with command: findwaters --pdbin "/tmp/psalgado/test_pdb_1.tmp" --hklin "/tmp/psalgado/test_mtz_1.tmp" --f DELFWT --phi PHDELWT --pdbout "/tmp/psalgado/test_1.tmp" --sigma 2.0 * *has failed with error message* *couldn't execute "findwaters": no such file or directory* **************************************************************************** * * * *#CCP4I TERMINATION STATUS 0 "couldn't execute "findwaters": no such file or directory"* *#CCP4I TERMINATION TIME 19 Jan 2010 12:39:26* *#CCP4I MESSAGE Task failed* I checked and the Coot/bin directory exists and it contains a "findwaters" executable file. I should add that doing "find waters" within Coot works fine. Any ideas? All help welcomed. Thanks! Paula ========================================================= Dr Paula Salgado Division of Molecular Biosciences Department of Life Sciences Faculty of Natural Sciences Biochemistry Building, 5th Floor Imperial College London South Kensington Campus SW7 2AZ London Tel: 02075945464 Fax: +44 (0)20 7594 3057