Hi everyone

I just downloaded and installed the newest ccp4i release, including Coot
0.6.0. It all seemed fine, except when I try to run refmac from ccp4i, using
the "Run Coot:findwaters", process fails with error message;


*The program run with command: findwaters --pdbin
"/tmp/psalgado/test_pdb_1.tmp" --hklin "/tmp/psalgado/test_mtz_1.tmp" --f
DELFWT --phi PHDELWT --pdbout "/tmp/psalgado/test_1.tmp" --sigma 2.0 *

*has failed with error message*

*couldn't execute "findwaters": no such file or directory*



*#CCP4I TERMINATION STATUS 0 "couldn't execute "findwaters": no such file or

*#CCP4I TERMINATION TIME 19 Jan 2010 12:39:26*

*#CCP4I MESSAGE Task failed*

I checked and the Coot/bin directory exists and it contains a "findwaters"
executable file.

I should add that doing "find waters" within Coot works fine.

Any ideas? All help welcomed.




 Dr Paula Salgado

 Division of Molecular Biosciences
 Department of Life Sciences
 Faculty of Natural Sciences
 Biochemistry Building, 5th Floor
 Imperial College London
 South Kensington Campus
 SW7 2AZ

Tel: 02075945464
Fax: +44 (0)20 7594 3057

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