Post-doctoral research position at the European Institute of Oncology
Milan, Italy

A postdoctoral research position in structural biology is available in Marina Mapelli's group at the IFOM-IEO Campus, Milano. The group interests focuses on the structural and functional aspects of protein complexes governing spindle orientation during asymmetric cell divisions. We use a combination of biochemical, biophysical and structural methods to study the molecular mechanisms underlying spindle dynamics, and how they relate to the asymmetric outcome of a cell division (for more info please see .

We are seeking a motivated and enthusiastic postdoctoral fellow interested in understanding how protein structures relate with their cellular activity. Applicants should have recently obtained a Ph.D. in biochemistry, structural biology or equivalent qualification in a relevant research area. Ideal candidates should have experience in multi-protein complex reconstitution, protein purification and engineering.
Knowledge of x-ray crystallography will be an advantage.

The Structural Biology Department of the IFOM-IEO Campus is equipped with the state-of-the-art apparatus for protein purification and crystallization, including a nanodrop crystallization robot and an automated imaging system, and has good access to the synchrotron beamlines. Successful candidates will benefit from a stimulating and collaborative environment within the Campus ( ).

The position is founded for three years starting from February 2010. It will remain open until filled.

Postdoc applicants should send their enquiries by e-mail to Marina Mapelli (, including a cover letter and their cv. They should also ask two referees to send letters of recommendation at the same electronic address.

  Marina Mapelli, PhD
  Department of Experimental Oncology
  European Institute of Oncology
  Via Adamello 16, I-20139 Milan, Italy
  tel:  ++39-02-9437-5018/5042
  fax: ++39-02-94375990

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