What are the versions of refmac you are using.
Differences (as Pavel mentioned) could be scaling and different scaling parameters. If you would send your log file to me I can try to find out and try to sort out this problem.


On 4 Jan 2010, at 17:35, Feng Guo wrote:


I have a question about the refinement by Refmac program in CCP4 package. I tried both the old version(1.4.4) and the latest version (2.0.5) for restrained
refinement, and they gave me different result. For old version, it's
0.192/0.250--> 0.191/0.247, while for the latest version, R/ Rfree=0.202/0.254- ->0.194/0.255. For both version, I use the weighting term of 0.05. I am wondering which version will be better? or I did something wrong? Thank you.


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