
I found this old post in ccp4 and it's very useful. I used the same
procedure Scott described to add a ligand into pdb file. What I did, is in
coot, search for the ligand in the library and find the ligand and then
merge. However, when I tried to refine in refmac, it has some problems, it
complains about that "New ligand has been encountered, stop now". I didn't
create the cif file myself, it's been pulled from the library directory. Do
anyone know what could be wrong? Thanks a lot for your help.


On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 10:55 AM, Scott Pegan <pe...@uic.edu> wrote:

> Andy,
> We do a lot of liganding fitting with CCP4.  This is the general order of
> steps we take (post initial solution of the protein itself):
> 1) Build the potential ligand in CCP4 Sketcher
>    a) Rename all the Hydrogens to H#,  CCP4 Refmac has some issues with
> Hydrogens marked OH1, NH1, etc.  To simplify things I normally just renumber
> all the Hydrogens starting from 1.  Also makes for less hassle when using
> the definition file, as the labels in the definition file has to match the
> pdb of the ligand (this will be more important below).
>    b) Use the regularize function with Refmac
> 2) Using Coot, load the protein and maps
> 3) Load the ligand and definition file (####_mon_lib.cif)
> 4) Use the find ligand function in Coot (find it under other modeling
> tools)
>    a) select the protein, map you want to search
> 5) If you find results you desire, merge those ligands with the main pdb
> 6) Run Refmac on the merged PDB with the library for the ligand in the
> library input space.
> Hope this helps,
> Scott
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 9:27 AM, ANDY DODDS <andy.dod...@googlemail.com>wrote:
>> Hello,
>> does anyone know of a tutorial which lays out some sort of pipeline,
>> hopefully using CCP4 packages, to fit and refine a small molecule
>> ligand please?
>> cheers
>> andy
> --
> Scott D. Pegan, Ph.D.
> Senior Research Specialist
> Center for Pharmaceutical
> Biotechnology
> University of Illinois at Chicago

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