There is a ellipsoidal truncation and scaling server you might want to try.


Lari Lehtiö
Pharmacy, Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacy
Åbo Akademi University,
BioCity, FIN-20520 Turku
+358 2 215 4270

Quoting Justin Hall <>:

Dear All;

I am working with a data set which is anisotropic. The resolution
limits are ~ 2.75 by 3.45 A.  The I have integrated (using Mosflm) the
data out to 2.75 A, the data therefore includes a mix of real (I/sig
1) and imaginary (I/sig ~1) data past the 3.45 A resolution bin.

I am concerned that the presence of the poor quality data in the outer
shells will cause my good data to 2.75 A resolution to be down weighted
in refinement.  Since anisotropic resolution limits do not seem to be
an option, are there other tools that would allow proper weighting for
this situation?


~Justin Hall
Oregon State University

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