Hi Justin,
may be I mis-understood your question, but can't anisotropic scale
factor that is the part of the total structure factor (as defined in
phenix.refine for example and most likely in the other programs):
Fmodel = scale_overall * exp(-h*U_overall*ht) * (Fcalc_atoms + k_sol *
exp(-B_sol*s^2) * Fmask)
take care of this (S. Sheriff & W.A. Hendrickson. Acta Cryst. (1987).
A43, 118-121. "Description of overall anisotropy in diffraction from
macromolecular crystals")?
For an example of how important to use anisotropic scale for anisotropy
correction, see slide #20 here:
On 9/1/09 7:35 AM, Justin Hall wrote:
Dear All;
I am working with a data set which is anisotropic. The resolution
limits are ~ 2.75 by 3.45 A. The I have integrated (using Mosflm) the
data out to 2.75 A, the data therefore includes a mix of real (I/sig
>>1) and imaginary (I/sig ~1) data past the 3.45 A resolution bin.
I am concerned that the presence of the poor quality data in the outer
shells will cause my good data to 2.75 A resolution to be down
weighted in refinement. Since anisotropic resolution limits do not
seem to be an option, are there other tools that would allow proper
weighting for this situation?
~Justin Hall
Oregon State University