Dear All, I wish to bring your attention to a crystallographer postdoctoral opening at Boston University School of Medicine. Please see the job description below. Thanks,
HC Guo Postdoctoral Fellow Position Open Boston University School of Medicine Department: Physiology and Biophysics Location: Boston, Mass URL: Start Date: immediately Duration: 1-3 years Description: A postdoctoral position is open for highly motivated individuals to work on biochemical and crystallographic studies of enzymes involved in post-translational processings and immunity. Some crystals are already available. The work may involve any aspect of protein purification, mutagenesis, crystal growth, data collection, model building and refinement. Suitable candidates will also have the chance to participate in the biochemical characterization of the proteins. A background in protein expression/biochemistry and/or x-ray structure determination is prerequisite. Experienced macromolecular crystallographers are preferred, but highly motivated recent graduates with a strong background in protein biochemistry and interested in learning crystallography are also encouraged to apply. The laboratory is fully equipped for biochemical experiments, and with state-of-the-art crystallographic facilities. In addition, the National Synchrotron Light Source at the Brookhaven National Laboratory is only 5-hour driving/ferry away. Available immediately, applications will be accepted till positions filled. Other details: Equal Opportunity Employer Please submit: Cover letter with curriculum vita and the names and addresses (including e-mail addresses) of three referees Person to contact: Dr. Hwai-Chen Guo Surface mail address: 700 Albany Street, Boston, MA 02118 Email address: Phone number: 617-638-4023