Dear Pascal, 2009/8/10 Pascal Egea <>: > Dear All, > I am currently carrying the refinement of a structure and comparing the > results obtained in Refmac, Phenix and CNS. > While Phenix and Refmac write maps and their corresponding coefficients in > mtz format allowing display of 2Fo-Fc and Fo-Fc maps in COOT, the > corresponding Fo-Fc map as written by CNS does not show positive and > negatives peaks. There is density but it does not look like why I would > expect for a Fo-Fc map. Why is that?
Is your map read as an Fo-Fc map? I guess not... I believe there is a way to tell COOT that you want to load you CNS map as a difference map. This section of the user manual might explain better. Hope this helps, Folmer Fredslund