Dear All,
I am currently carrying the refinement of a structure and comparing the
results obtained in Refmac, Phenix and CNS.

While Phenix and Refmac write maps and their corresponding coefficients in
mtz format allowing display of 2Fo-Fc and Fo-Fc maps in COOT, the
corresponding Fo-Fc map as written by CNS does not show positive and
negatives peaks. There is density but it does not look like why I would
expect for a Fo-Fc map. Why is that?

I am also surprised by the differences between maps and their contouring
levels between Refmac/Phenix and CNS. Is the way to scale ED maps different
between those programs? Can differences in the way to perform bulk solvent
correction account for those differences?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

Pascal Egea

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