The testing of RasMol 2.7.5 has gone well so far, and we intend to make it the default release. Except for a few remaining warning messages, the problems reported during testing have been resolved.
The current best releases are: Sourcekit: MS Windows Installer Mac OS X 10.5 Intel i386 install kit Slackware Linux 12 i686 install kit Mac OS X 10.3.9 PPC install kit The unix-style install kits are should be unpacked and the installation script should be run. Do --help to see the options. This release is based on RasMol, the final reference release for the 2.7.4 series. The changes made between the 2.7.5 release candidate release of 17 July 2009 and the formal release on 23 July 2009 were: * Correction to the support for core CIF data file loads that was disabled in the move to CBFlib in place of the internal CIF support. * Correction to the CCP4 map read logic in the case of symmetry lines. Thanks to Marian Szebenyi for finding this bug. * Clarification to the install instructions for 64-bit unix systems. Thanks to Marian Szebenyi and Mark Diekhans for pointing out the lack of clarity. The major changes in RasMol 2.7.5 are: * Support for SBEVSL movie commands. * Support for Lee-Richards surface approximation by contouring pseudo-Gaussian electron densities. * Selection of atoms by proximity to map contours * Coloring of maps by the colors of neighboring atoms * Significant improvements to the GTK version by Teemu Ikonen The SVN at should be consulted for details of the code changes. All rasmol source repositories have been updated. If you are building from source, be sure to download a current CBFlib 0.8.1 kit to address the problem in loading core CIF data files. ===================================================== Herbert J. Bernstein, Professor of Computer Science Dowling College, Kramer Science Center, KSC 121 Idle Hour Blvd, Oakdale, NY, 11769 +1-631-244-3035 =====================================================