of course don't know about your sequence, but one normally uses 7-8 atoms
(non-H) per I tend to think you'll end up with <3000
parameters (of course if you decide to refine individual B-factors, which
would typically make sense for a 2.0A res data set...)
(and then of course you should be adding the 'extra' observations that
you'll most probably be using, since at this resolution unrestrained
refinement would not be a sensible idea...)
Alejandro Buschiazzo
Unit of Protein Crystallography
Pasteur Institute of Montevideo
On Thu, 23 Apr 2009, Francis E Reyes wrote:
It seems I have a case where I have 5595 reflections but my protein is about
102 residues. With a mean atom / residue * 4 parameters for each atom I get
about 7833 parameters. So it seems that I have a observation : parameter
ratio < 1. There is only 1 molecular per asu so there's no hope in using NCS.
Phases to be obtained from a pretty good MR solution. Does anyone have any
suggestions/protocols/references for refining with obs:parameter < 1 ?
Francis Reyes M.Sc.
215 UCB
University of Colorado at Boulder
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