Let me start by quoting the following......
"/Therefore I'm afraid that we (i.e. PDB) are under considerable
pressure from the community at large to implement our publication policy
in this area.
We do understand your concern to make the entry as accurate as possible."/
I love the /"under considerable pressure"/ and /"our publication policy"/?
I am for sure not exerting pressure and do have my problems with the
policies at times.
Are you the one exerting pressure or do you have problems at times with
the policies? Please let me know!
- J. -
p.s. In addition, over the years, the deposition in general has not
become any simpler or faster. Or, has it?
Dr. Jeroen R. Mesters
Gruppenleiter Strukturelle Neurobiologie und Kristallogenese
Institut für Biochemie, Universität zu Lübeck
Zentrum für Medizinische Struktur- und Zellbiologie
Ratzeburger Allee 160, D-23538 Lübeck
Tel: +49-451-5004065, Fax: +49-451-5004068
If you can look into the seeds of time and say
which grain will grow and which will not - speak then to me (Macbeth)