You might look at Biochemistry by David Metzler. It has excellent in
depth discussions of the structure and enzymology of many metabolic
enzymes. Its complexity is about half way between Jencks/Ferscht and
Stryer. To much for my medical students, but for folks interested in
the deep mojo of enzymology it might be a good read. Comes in hardback
and CD-ROM.
Downside - it is not cheap.
Nic out
R.M. Garavito wrote:
We have used the texts “The Organic Chemistry of Enzyme-Catalyzed
Reactions” (revised edition) by Silverman (2002) and Alan Fersht's
book "Structure and Mechanism in Protein Science: A guide to Enzyme
Catalysis and Protein Folding (1999).
/R. Michael Garavito, Ph.D./
/Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology/
/513 Biochemistry Bldg. /
/Michigan State University /
/East Lansing, MI 48824-1319/
/Office:// //(517) 355-9724 Lab: (517) 353-9125/
/FAX: (517) 353-9334 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Sep 11, 2008, at 4:24 PM, William Scott wrote:
Hi Folks:
I just found out that in a couple of weeks I am going to be teaching
a graduate student-level enzymology course.
Can anyone recommend a good text, and possibly good websites authored
by people who are predisposed to consider plagiarism the highest form
of complement?
Many thanks in advance.
Panically-stricken yours,
Bill Scott
William G. Scott
Contact info: