This sounds to me like a compiler problem on your machine. Try using
the latest Intel Ifort, Portland Group pgf95, or GFORTRAN compiler.
Axel Brunger
On Sep 12, 2008, at 2:56 AM, jxqi wrote:
Dear ccp4bbs,
When I was refining a protein structure using the rigid.inp in
CNS(Version 1.21), an error occured saying that the asymmetric map
unit is incompatible with the symmetry operator.The model I used was
first refined by the Rafmac5.I had met the same problem when I tried
to add water molecues using the waterpick.inp program.
%XMDOAS3 error encountered: Asymmetric map unit is incompatible with
symmetry operators.
(CNS is in mode: SET ABORT=NORMal END)
ABORT mode will terminate program execution.
Thank you very much for your suggestions!
Axel T. Brunger
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology
Stanford University
Phone: +1 650-736-1031
Fax: +1 650-745-1463