No problem - phenix.reflection_file_converter gets all the information it
needs from the MTZ file, so the procedure was a simple as:

phenix.reflection_file_converter friedel_separate.mtz --sca
phenix.reflection_file_converter friedel_together.sca --mtz
It is worth noting that you don't need phenix to do this - the program is
also apparently distributed with CCP4 (or at least with Phaser), where it is
called iotbx.reflection_file_converter.


Hi David ..do you mind posting the command line you used for the purpose..
> Thanks
> On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 2:40 PM, David Waterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>> phenix.reflection_file_converter did the job (thanks Peter). I tried CAD,
>> but don't think it can output a column type if that type is not included in
>> the input (at least not as an option in the GUI)
>> Cheers
>> David
>>  CAD (in ccp4) should be right program. You input an mtz file and
>>> write-out any column you choose into the output.
>>> Best,
>>> Kianoush
>>> --- On *Thu, 8/7/08, David Waterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
>>> From: David Waterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Subject: [ccp4bb] make I+ and I- columns in mtz
>>> Date: Thursday, August 7, 2008, 9:22 AM
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have an MTZ file with I, SIGI in which Friedel pairs are on separate
>>> lines, i.e.
>>>  ===================
>>>    -6  -6  -6    24173.00    898.47
>>>     6   6   6    23523.00    872.92
>>>    -7  -5  -5    60313.00   1232.77
>>>     7   5   5    58022.00   1288.21
>>> All I want to do is make an MTZ file with columns H, K, L, I(+), SIGI(+),
>>> I(-) and SIGI(-) without doing anything else to the data. Should be easy,
>>> but I can't find the right tool to do it!
>>> Cheers
>>> David

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