We've tested eight different dyes carefully on three different
proteins and eventually planned to test a much larger number (I''ve
assembled a large collection of dyes of every color and type). So far
everything has worked! (rhodamine, bromophenol blue, and fluorescein
are my favorites because they are fluorophores). You could probably
pick almost anything out of HJ Conn's book "Biological Stains." I
believe there was some trouble with mixes containing high PEG conc,
but I don't recall the details at the moment.
You might even consider using a dye with high bromine content (like
bromophenol blue) to phase the structure, but that would require much
higher concentrations than are typically necessary in ISIT-like
experiments. We did see some evidence of change in crystal morphology
when the proteins where grown with the dyes as opposed to soaked. Not
sure how significant that effect is. Obviously a dye could
potentially induce conformational or oligomeric changes in some cases.
Richard Gillilan
Ithaca, NY
On Jun 14, 2008, at 4:51 PM, Mark Del Campo wrote:
Before I place an order for some Izit, are there some other dyes I
can use to check if I've got a protein