Hi Sajid,

congratulations to your nice looking crystals. I'm not sure if someone already sugested to mount smaller crystals ? You write they need 4-5 days, I assume you can already see them earlier before they reach that size. Am I roughly right in the assumption that these crystals are about 50-70 x 50-70 x 800 micrometers ?
At what part of the crystal do you shoot after having mounted it ?
Are you using a loop which would fit the crystal or a smaller loop ?
If using a smaller loop try shooting at parts of the crystal which are within the loop and check the part that sticks out of the loop. Try to reduce the beamsize to the size of the crystal. Since you know that glycerol is good, try adding other cryo-protectants in combination e.g. MPD, EG or small PEGs

Good luck,


sajid akthar wrote:

Dear All

My protein size is ~30kD and crystallizes with
19%Peg3350, 0.2M Nacl, and 0.1M Na Cacodylate buffer.

Please refer the attached crystal image with this. The
crystal looks like good enough for home source. These
crystals appears in 4-5 days at room temp.

Sometimes I'm getting crystals like this, but very few
in 24 well tray. Most of the time, I found the drop
contains needles. If I reduce the precipitant little
bit, I wont find any change in the drop even after
long time. Changing pH (or temp)of the buffer does not
help me any better. The crystal appears only around

The problem is mosaicity. This crystal diffracted in
home source upto 3.2A and the mosaicity is 2.5degree.
Almost all the good crystal like this having same

Good cryo condition so far that I found was
10%Glycerol with mother liquor. Other conditions
weekens the diffraction quality or increase mosaicity.

In many crystal I could see some crack in the middle
of the crystal, it looks like twin crystal. Or the
crystal appears with some sattelite crystals.

Can anyone suggest me some good way to overcome these



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Jürgen Bosch
University of Washington
Dept. of Biochemistry, K-426
1705 NE Pacific Street
Seattle, WA 98195
Box 357742
Phone:   +1-206-616-4510
FAX:     +1-206-685-7002
Web:     http://faculty.washington.edu/jbosch

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