
Based on SER-CAT user input we are trying to assess the meantime between failure for the Taylor Wharton CX-100 series dry shipper.

If you have experienced problems with the Taylor Wharton CX-100 dry shippers where crystals have been lost we ask you please complete the following survey.

Please return the survey to me at the address below. I will then compile and post the results




Number of Taylor Wharton CX-100 series dry shippers which have failed:

Dry shipper model(s):

Approximate date of failure(s) from date of purchase:

Approximate number of roundtrip shipments to/from beamline at time of failure:

Dry shipper contents samples in canes or samples in pucks:

Shipping container (hard shell shipping case or other):

Courier service used:

Comments if any:

John Rose Ph.D.
Assistant Director SER-CAT
B204B, The Fred C. Davison Life Sciences Complex
120 Green Street
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602-7229
Phone:     706-542-1750
Fax:          706-542-3077

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