Hi Pietro,

   It looks as though SFALL thinks you have fractional coords and
has coverted them into orthog ones. Does the PDB have a CRYST1 and
SCALEi cards?


On Thu, 24 Apr 2008, Pietro Roversi wrote:

>  Dear everyone,
>                       I am using sfall in "MODE ATMMAP RESMOD" to compute a 
> tagged map with
> which to score a model against a map. The input PDB is OK and regularly
> read by all programs - but sfall seems to interpret the coordinates
> wrongly (see the list of the first 10 atoms coordinates that the program
> outputs, both in orthogonal and fractional):
> First 10 atoms of atsort - orthog coordinates
>          1N    CYS       140283.0180251.2380115.7960 1.00  500.00    3
>    fractional coordinates  1.57127 1.39484 0.64288
>   First 10 atoms of atsort - orthog coordinates
>          2CA   CYS       140281.9190250.4390115.2740 1.00  500.00    2
>    fractional coordinates  1.56517 1.39040 0.63998
>          3C    CYS       140280.7020251.2870114.8740 1.00  500.00    2
>    fractional coordinates  1.55842 1.39511 0.63776
>          4O    CYS       140279.7890250.8050114.1860 1.00  500.00    4
>    fractional coordinates  1.55335 1.39243 0.63394
>          5CB   CYS       140281.5250249.4400116.3580 1.00  500.00    2
>    fractional coordinates  1.56299 1.38485 0.64600
>          6SG   CYS       140280.3360248.2280115.8470 1.00  500.00    5
>    fractional coordinates  1.55638 1.37813 0.64317
>          7N    SER       141280.6900252.5440115.3270 1.00  500.00    3
>    fractional coordinates  1.55835 1.40209 0.64028
>          8CA   SER       141279.5620253.4720115.1380 1.00  500.00    2
>    fractional coordinates  1.55209 1.40724 0.63923
>          9CB   SER       141279.7800254.7110116.0260 1.00  500.00    2
>    fractional coordinates  1.55330 1.41412 0.64416
>         10OG   SER       141280.9710255.4130115.6440 1.00  500.00    4
>    fractional coordinates  1.55991 1.41802 0.64204
>         11C    SER       141279.3470253.9090113.6680 1.00  500.00    2
>    fractional coordinates  1.55089 1.40967 0.63107
>   First 10 atoms of sorted file in asym unit -
>        10.55639   0.64317   0.37813    699.89 1.00         5  102SG
>        10.56299   0.64600   0.38485    599.89 1.00         2  102CB
>        10.56517   0.63998   0.39040    299.89 1.00         2  102CA
>        10.55335   0.63394   0.39243    499.89 1.00         4  102O
>        10.57127   0.64288   0.39484    199.89 1.00         3  102N
>        10.55842   0.63776   0.39511    399.89 1.00         2  102C
>        10.55835   0.64028   0.40209    799.89 1.00         3  103N
>        10.55209   0.63923   0.40724    899.89 1.00         2  103CA
>        10.55330   0.64416   0.41412    999.89 1.00         2  103CB
>        10.55991   0.64204   0.41802   1099.89 1.00         4  103OG
> As a result of course the tagged map is completely screwed.
> Has anyone encountered this problem and if so how did they solve it? I
> would rather avoid digging into the code if I can!
>       Best regards
>       Pietro
> --
> Pietro Roversi
> Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford University
> South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3ER, England UK
> Tel. 0044-1865-275385

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