We normally use AmS or glycerol.

On 07/04/2008, at 15.46, Kay Diederichs wrote:

Dear all,

a protein which we work on is available in low quantity. The only crystallization screen we set up is completely clear, no precipitate, nothing.

Now we would like to modify the reservoirs of this screen, by adding LiCl or Ammoniumsulfate or ... , with the goal of reducing the vapour pressure, to at least get the protein concentration in the drop into the range where "something happens".

Does anyone have advice as to which salt we should add (to the reservoir only)? AmSO4 is only soluble to 4M, LiCl goes to 10M. But vapour pressure reduction is not the same as molarity.

thanks for any insight,

Kay Diederichs                http://strucbio.biologie.uni-konstanz.de
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Tel +49 7531 88 4049 Fax 3183
Fachbereich Biologie, Universität Konstanz, Box M647, D-78457 Konstanz

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