On Apr 4 2008, hari jayaram wrote:

Hi everyone, I have a phaser molecular replacement solution for my membrane protein which crystallized in spacegroup P3. The diffraction data is good to about 3.3 A. The model I used had 39% homology to the given protein. A solvent content analysis suggests that there probably are three dimers in the ASU ( to give about 67% solvent) Phaser sucessfuly found two dimers in the ASU with good density and a third dimer with very weak almost "non-existent" density. I am now trying to do some NCS-averaging using DM to see If I can improve the desnity for dimer 3 and have a question about the different co-efficients I should be using for the averaging DM run.

The phaser output mtz file has a PHWT and a PHIC . For carrying out DM with
flattening, averaging and histogram matching which phases do I use PHIC or
PHWT along with observed Fo. Also for the weight do I use the FOM.

The output mtz from DM run either way above , now has  a PHIDM and a PHWT
along with a FWT and FC. Which coefficients should I be using to get a map
after DM for building.

Fo and PHIDM

Thank you for your help

In the MTZ file produced by Phaser, the FWT/PHWT pair provide the 2mFo-DFc map coefficients that should reduce model bias. I'd suggest starting DM from these coefficients, which you can do by adding "FDM=FWT PHIDM=PHWT" to the LABIN command for DM. (If you want to do this from the current ccp4i GUI for DM, the only way is to use the Run&View Com File command.)

After running DM, the map coefficients to view in coot are FDM/PHIDM.

Good luck!

Randy Read

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