Hi all,
Just a reminder that the cheap registration deadline for the BCA spring
meeting is Monday March 3rd. Thanks to the coordinators of the BSG
sessions, Arwen Pearson and Simon Phillips, the meeting is jam packed with
sessions on:
Membrane Proteins
Neutrons in Biology
Probing fast Biological Reactions
Complementary Methods in Structural Biology
Ligand Binding and Drug design
See <http://img.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/BCA/bsg/welcome.htm>
Register at <http://www.crystallography-meetings.org.uk/>
Dr. Andrea Hadfield
Chairman of Biological Structures Group
Dept of Biochemistry,
School of Medical Sciences,
University of Bristol,
University Walk,
Bristol BS8 1TD
Tel: 0117 331 2151 e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax: 0117 331 2168