I really enjoyed the recent discussion of ncs coupling and bias on
ccp4bb, as usual.  Although unlikely, the problem will be real in a
significant number of cases.   At this time there is sufficient
computing power so that refinement calculations can be made with
several different test sets.  In this way a significantly coupled test
set can be readily detected, because it will give a lower R value than
the other test sets, and bias can be thus avoided.  When the
crystallographer is confident in the Rfree, he can be more confident in
his maps as well, and this method could reduce the need for subjective
judgements based on the maps and geometry.

This is not a nebulous problem, nor a merely statistical one, and to
wit, I was wondering if anyone has written a program to exclude
reflections near the ncs symmetry planes from the test set.  It would be
good to have the problem _eliminated_ in this way, so that extravagances
such as that above will not be necessary.  


Michael L. Love Ph.D
Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry
School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University
725 N. Wolfe Street
Room 608B WBSB
Baltimore MD 21205-2185

Interoffice Mail: 608B WBSB, SoM

office: 410-614-2267
lab:    410-614-3179
fax:    410-502-6910
cell:   443-824-3451

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