
The recent discussion on Rwork/Rfree ratio reminded me of something I was 
wondering about (*).  When counting constraints as observations for determining 
the observation to parameter ratio, is each unique constraint counted, or each 
time a given constraint is used.  For example, if there are 4 carbon oxygen 
bonds (assuming the same parameters, let's say serine beta-carbon to serine 
gamma-oxygen), would this count as 4 constraints as observations, or 1?

Intuitively, it seems to me like it should be counting unique constraints 
(although as near as I can tell these aren't listed in refmac5 logfiles).  But 
I don't have a clear explanation for why, and of course I could be wrong on 



* Rough translation - I'm about to ask another stupid question.  Not like it's 
the first time.

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