Oryxnano 50+50 nL


David Briggs wrote:
I'll defend the honour of the phoenix... (again)

Bernhard Rupp 100+100 nl
Dave Briggs (and all users at Univ of Manchester, UK) 100+100nl

Only time we have ANY problems is when the nano dispensing tip gets clogged. Often a good wash whilst still on the machine will clear the blockage.


David C. Briggs PhD
Father & Crystallographer
http://www.dbriggs.talktalk.net <http://www.dbriggs.talktalk.net>
AIM ID: dbassophile

Demetres D. Leonidas, Ph.D.
Structural Biology & Chemistry Group
Institute of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
The National Hellenic Research Foundation
48, Vassileos Constantinou Avenue
Athens 116 35, Greece
Tel. +30 210 7273841 (office)
+30 210 7273895 (lab) Fax. +30 210 7273831
URL: http://athena.eie.gr

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