sorry for repeat. Link I gave in the previous mail should be:


On 11 Jan 2008, at 19:58, Jie Liu wrote:

I've played around for a while, also read the manual
and googled the internet, but just couldn't find a way
to set up the restraints to the symmetry related atoms
in Refmac5. Could anyone please kindly advice me
how to do that?

Thank you!!!


Eleanor Dodson wrote:

It needs Garib to answer this!

Charlie Bond wrote:
Eleanor Dodson wrote:

It should be more or less equivalent, but better I think to put 1S at
0.5 occ and 2O at occ = 1

At least in REFMAC the restraints to the symmetry atoms should be set up

But if you do that, some of the bond angles will be unrestrained, won't
they?: O1-S-O2 will be OK, but O1-S-O1' and O2-S-O2' will not. Or is
refmac cleverer than I think?


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