
Well, I guess one shouldn't change versions of refmac in the middle of a structure refinement. What are the major differences between . 0034 and .0066 ? I noted that form factors for the Se atom have changed dramatically even though I'm using the same " anom formfactor SE -8.13 5.05 " command. Is this because the program is now using the wavelength on the .MTZ file ?

with .0034:

SE 8.8706 2.4098 5.8196 0.2726 3.9731 15.2372 4.3543 43.8163 2.8409

with .0066:

SE 8.8706 2.4098 5.8196 0.2726 3.9731 15.2372 4.3543 43.8163 2.8409

The other major difference is that explicit weight that I was using = 0.25 is weighting the geometry much more in .0066 compared with . 0034. Also the refinement is not as well behaved as it was in 0.0034.

What has really changed?


Mark A. Saper, Ph.D.                            
Associate Professor, Biophysics and Department of Biological Chemistry
University of Michigan
3040 Chemistry Building
930 N University Ave
Ann Arbor MI  48109-1055

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