Hi Uwe,

Just what I wanted to hear, and with a limited set of compounds too! Follow-up question: what are these 4-6 most successful compounds? Thanks also for the tips on monitoring thw soaking


On Sep 25, 2007, at 13:23, Uwe Mueller wrote:

Dear Derek,
we are using the quick-soak method frequently at the BESSY-MX beamlines. So far we were able to obtain phase information in terms of MAD/SAD- phases in all cases which we tried. The starting set-up is the screen over the 4-6 most successful heavy atom compounds at 5-10mM concentration and 10-20 min soaking time. If you follow the soaking under a transmissive light microscope like the Leica MZ7.5, you can receive quite intriguing visual feedbacks from your experimental set-up, including the bending of large crystal face areas towards the crystal center due to the large osmotic pressure at the beginning of the process an others. Those observations might provide you further information for the optimization loop which will be confirmed by the detection of an anomalous signal after the peak-dataset. 3-8 of such fast feedback loops could be carried out within a 8h beamtime shift and led to interpretable electron densities. So, I regard this method as a very powerful alternative, where the availability of SeMet-crystals is limited.

Best regards,

Derek Logan schrieb:

I'd like to find out how successful the "quick soak" method for heavy atom derivatisation proposed by Radaev and Sun:

Sun PD, Radaev S, Kattah M. Generating isomorphous heavy-atom derivatives by a quick-soak method. Part I: test cases. Acta Cryst. 2002. D58:1092-1098.

has been in comparison to the "classical" method of longer soaks at low concentrations of heavy atom compound. The method was quite successful in our hands a few years ago but (fortunately?) it's becoming increasingly rare that we use heavy atoms. I understand that evidence will necessarily be anecdotal, but let's not let that stop us.


Derek Logan             tel: +46 46 222 1443

Associate professor     fax: +46 46 222 4692

Molecular Biophysics    mob: +46 76 8585 707
Lund University

Box 124, Lund, Sweden


 Dr. Uwe Müller
 BESSY-MX group   BESSY GmbH
 D-12489 Berlin
 Phone: +49-(0)30-6392 4974
 Fax  : +49-(0)30-6392 4975
 url  : http://www.psf.bessy.de

BESSY GmbH - Mitglied der Leibniz Gemeinschaft
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult Joachim Treusch Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Eberhardt, Prof. Dr.Eberhard Jaeschke Sitz Berlin, AG Charlottenburg, HRB 14635

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