I'd like to find out how successful the "quick soak" method for heavy
atom derivatisation proposed by Radaev and Sun:
Sun PD, Radaev S, Kattah M. Generating isomorphous heavy-atom
derivatives by a quick-soak method. Part I: test cases. Acta Cryst.
2002. D58:1092-1098.
has been in comparison to the "classical" method of longer soaks at
low concentrations of heavy atom compound. The method was quite
successful in our hands a few years ago but (fortunately?) it's
becoming increasingly rare that we use heavy atoms. I understand that
evidence will necessarily be anecdotal, but let's not let that stop us.
Derek Logan tel: +46 46 222 1443
Associate professor fax: +46 46 222 4692
Molecular Biophysics mob: +46 76 8585 707
Lund University
Box 124, Lund, Sweden