Quoting Anastassis Perrakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > On Aug 9, 2007, at 15:02, Tommi Kajander wrote: > > > so, a) WHAT IS GAMMA?? > > gamma is possibly the letter of the greek alphabet that has had most > abuse from scientists.
thats what i thought... > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_%28disambiguation%29 > > > > b) why the difference between the machines??, is this a bug, or > > diagnostic > > of some problem...? > > (with my refiment.. which isnt really working...) > > some platform dependency is not shocking for minimizers ... you > always see that. > i have not really observed serious differences in the end result > though, except > once that i had serious trouble with 64-bit machines and code > compilation. > That was ages ago though and all these problems must be solved by ccp4. well this gamma issue seems to be there for refmac 5..(???) havent tested "regular" refinement with a complete model and refmac. probably that works ok. > I would absolutely stand by my suggestion to always use HL > restraints, in all cases that > well estimated HL coefficients (eg Sharp) are available. i should probably recalculate phases with sharp (as soon as we have it up and running..) or some other, at the moment there's only density modified phases from shelxe (would be nice if shelx actually automatically output phases prior to density modification..(this is again probably my lazyness because i am using the _very nice_ hkl2map gui, ...and from other sources, but i use a blurring factor.. thanks again for everyone for their replies, tommi