dear all (well experts i suppose),
can someone explain what this means (REFMAC):

Resolution limits                    =     19.944     2.600
Number of used reflections           =      12652
Percentage observed                  =   100.0000
Percentage of free reflections       =      .0000
Overall R factor                     =      .3922
Overall weighted R factor            =      .3737
Overall correlation coefficient      =      .8399
Cruickshanks DPI for coordinate error=     3.4923
Overall figure of merit              =      .6952
ML based su of positional parameters =      .6421
ML based su of thermal parameters    =    29.9144
 Trying gamma equal  0.0000000000E+00
 Not converging with gamma equal  0.0000000000E+00
 Trying gamma equal  0.5500000343E-01
 Not converging with gamma equal  0.5500000343E-01
 Trying gamma equal  0.1155000031
 Not converging with gamma equal  0.1155000031
 Trying gamma equal  0.1820500046
 Not converging with gamma equal  0.1820500046
 Trying gamma equal  0.2552550137
 Not converging with gamma equal  0.2552550137
 Trying gamma equal  0.3357805014
 Not converging with gamma equal  0.3357805014
 Trying gamma equal  0.4243585467
 Not converging with gamma equal  0.4243585467
 Trying gamma equal  0.5217944384
 Not converging with gamma equal  0.5217944384
 Trying gamma equal  0.6289739013
 Gamma decreased to  0.6075379848

I am runing this on a mac --two different mac platroms, powerpc does
this and goes on intel mac pro (or whatever it was) gamma shoots up and
the program gets stuck in a loop...

so, a) WHAT IS GAMMA??
b) why the difference between the machines??, is this a bug, or diagnostic
of some problem...?
(with my refiment.. which isnt really working...)

related to that, any opinions whether it is a good idea to include HL
restraints in arp/warp buidling/refinment at 2.6Å and poor starting phases..
(starting from exp. phases, i recall Tassos suggested this but for which
case??? i am running vs 7)
(i still have the partial model but little success to go beyond it by any
means....tweaking parameters in arpwarp now.... suggestions??) 

many thanks...,

Tommi Kajander, Ph.D.
Macromolecular X-ray Crystallography
Research Program in Structural Biology and Biophysics
Institute of Biotechnology
PO box 65 (Street address: Viikinkaari 1, 4th floor)
University of Helsinki
FIN-00014 Helsinki, Finland
Tel. +358-9-191 58903
Fax  +358-9-191 59940

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