Dear all,

I am currently refining the structure of a protein-DNA complex using Refmac.
However, one DNA strand of the dsDNA contains one unusual nucleotide, namely
2`-deoxyuridine ("Ud") which is not defined in the standard Refmac library. 
How can I tell Refmac to refine the modified nucleotide "Ud" within the DNA
strand correctly? 
I`ve set up a .cif file for the monomer "Ud" derived from the .cif files of
the other deoxy-nucleotides (see below), but the phosphodiester bond between
the "Ud" nucleotide and the adjacent nucleotide on the 3` side is broken by
Refmac. Probably another .cif file has to be modified as well, but which one??

Does anyone know how to tell Refmac to make a correct phosphodiester bond
between the "Ud" residue and the 3` adjacent nucleotide?  

(If possible, I would like to avoid changes in the general library file  
"mon_lib_com.cif". The file "mon_lib_com.cif"  contains the chemical structure
of links between polymers (e.g. cis- and trans-peptide bonds, disulfide
bridges, glycosidic bonds for sugars, phosphate bridges for DNA)). 

Thanks in advance, kind regards


_lib_name         mon_lib
_lib_version      4.11
_lib_update       15/04/05
# ------------------------------------------------
# ---   LIST OF MONOMERS ---
Ud       Ud  '.                                   ' .                  28  19
 Ud            P      P    P         0.714
 Ud            O1P    O    OP       -0.340
 Ud            O2P    O    OP       -0.340
 Ud            O5*    O    OC2      -0.267
 Ud            C5*    C    CH2       0.066
 Ud            H5*1   H    HCH2      0.005
 Ud            H5*2   H    HCH2      0.005
 Ud            C4*    C    CH1       0.084
 Ud            H4*    H    HCH1      0.010
 Ud            O4*    O    O2       -0.193
 Ud            C1*    C    CH1       0.245
 Ud            H1*    H    HCH1      0.005
 Ud            N1     N    NR6      -0.283
 Ud            C2     C    CR6       0.448
 Ud            O2     O    O        -0.247
 Ud            N3     N    NR16     -0.379
 Ud            H3     H    HNR6      0.173
 Ud            C4     C    CR6       0.286
 Ud            O4     O    O        -0.197
 Ud            C5     C    CR16     -0.122
 Ud            H5     H    HCR6      0.020
 Ud            C6     C    CR16      0.168
 Ud            H6     H    HCR6      0.020
 Ud            C2*    C    CH1      -0.043
 Ud            H2*1   H    HCH2      0.010
 Ud            H2*2   H    HCH2      0.010
 Ud            C3*    C    CH1       0.081
 Ud            H3*    H    HCH1      0.005
 Ud            O3*    O    OC2      -0.267

 Ud       P      n/a    O5*    START
 Ud       O1P    P      .      .
 Ud       O2P    P      .      .
 Ud       O5*    P      C5*    .
 Ud       C5*    O5*    C4*    .
 Ud       H5*1   C5*    .      .
 Ud       H5*2   C5*    .      .
 Ud       C4*    C5*    C3*    .
 Ud       H4*    C4*    .      .
 Ud       O4*    C4*    C1*    .
 Ud       C1*    O4*    C2*    .
 Ud       H1*    C1*    .      .
 Ud       N1     C1*    C2     .
 Ud       C2     N1     N3     .
 Ud       O2     C2     .      .
 Ud       N3     C2     C4     .
 Ud       H3     N3     .      .
 Ud       C4     N3     C5     .
 Ud       O4     C4     .      .
 Ud       C5     C4     C6     .
 Ud       H5     C5     .      .
 Ud       C6     C5     H6     .
 Ud       H6     C6     .      .
 Ud       C2*    C1*    H2*2   .
 Ud       H2*1   C2*    .      .
 Ud       H2*2   C2*    .      .
 Ud       C3*    C4*    O3*    .
 Ud       H3*    C3*    .      .
 Ud       O3*    C3*    .      END
 Ud       C2*    C3*    .    ADD
 Ud       C6     N1     .    ADD
 Ud       P      O5*       coval       1.600    0.020
 Ud       P      O1P       coval       1.480    0.020
 Ud       P      O2P       coval       1.480    0.020
 Ud       C1*    C2*       coval       1.525    0.020
 Ud       C2*    C3*       coval       1.525    0.020
 Ud       C3*    C4*       coval       1.523    0.020
 Ud       C3*    O3*       coval       1.422    0.030
 Ud       C4*    C5*       coval       1.518    0.020
 Ud       C4*    O4*       coval       1.450    0.020
 Ud       O4*    C1*       coval       1.414    0.020
 Ud       C5*    O5*       coval       1.423    0.030
 Ud       C5*    H5*1      coval       0.980    0.020
 Ud       C5*    H5*2      coval       0.980    0.020
 Ud       C4*    H4*       coval       0.980    0.020
 Ud       C1*    H1*       coval       0.980    0.020
 Ud       C2*    H2*1      coval       0.980    0.020
 Ud       C2*    H2*2      coval       0.980    0.020
 Ud       C3*    H3*       coval       0.980    0.020
 Ud       N1     C2        coval       1.379    0.020
 Ud       C2     N3        coval       1.373    0.020
 Ud       N3     C4        coval       1.383    0.020
 Ud       C4     C5        coval       1.440    0.020
 Ud       C5     C6        coval       1.338    0.020
 Ud       C6     N1        coval       1.380    0.020
 Ud       C2     O2        coval       1.218    0.020
 Ud       C4     O4        coval       1.227    0.020
 Ud       N1     C1*       coval       1.490    0.030
 Ud       N3     H3        coval       0.980    0.020
 Ud       C5     H5        coval       0.980    0.020
 Ud       C6     H6        coval       0.980    0.020
 Ud       C6     N1     C2      121.300    3.000
 Ud       C1*    N1     C2      119.350    3.000
 Ud       C1*    N1     C6      119.350    3.000
 Ud       N1     C2     N3      114.800    3.000
 Ud       C2     N3     C4      127.000    3.000
 Ud       N3     C4     C5      114.800    3.000
 Ud       C4     C5     C6      119.200    3.000
 Ud       C5     C6     N1      122.800    3.000
 Ud       N1     C2     O2      123.200    3.000
 Ud       N3     C2     O2      122.000    3.000
 Ud       N3     C4     O4      119.800    3.000
 Ud       C5     C4     O4      125.400    3.000
 Ud       N1     C1*    O4*     108.400    3.000
 Ud       N1     C1*    C2*     113.500    3.000
 Ud       C2     N3     H3      116.500    3.000
 Ud       C4     N3     H3      116.500    3.000
 Ud       C4     C5     H5      121.200    3.000
 Ud       C6     C5     H5      121.200    3.000
 Ud       C5     C6     H6      118.600    3.000
 Ud       N1     C6     H6      118.600    3.000
 Ud       O4*    C1*    C2*     106.400    3.000
 Ud       C1*    C2*    C3*     101.600    3.000
 Ud       C2*    C3*    C4*     102.400    3.000
 Ud       C2*    C3*    O3*     111.500    3.000
 Ud       O3*    C3*    C4*     110.000    3.000
 Ud       C3*    C4*    C5*     114.900    3.000
 Ud       C3*    C4*    O4*     105.400    3.000
 Ud       O4*    C4*    C5*     109.400    3.000
 Ud       C4*    O4*    C1*     109.700    3.000
 Ud       C4*    C5*    O5*     110.800    3.000
 Ud       C5*    O5*    P       120.000    3.000
 Ud       O5*    P      O1P     109.000    3.000
 Ud       O1P    P      O2P     120.000    3.000
 Ud       O5*    P      O2P     108.000    3.000
 Ud       C1*    C2*    O2*     110.200    3.000
 Ud       O2*    C2*    C3*     112.400    3.000
 Ud       O5*    C5*    H5*1    109.000    3.000
 Ud       O5*    C5*    H5*2    109.000    3.000
 Ud       C4*    C5*    H5*1    109.000    3.000
 Ud       C4*    C5*    H5*2    109.000    3.000
 Ud       H5*1   C5*    H5*2    109.000    3.000
 Ud       C5*    C4*    H4*     109.000    3.000
 Ud       O4*    C4*    H4*     109.000    3.000
 Ud       C3*    C4*    H4*     109.000    3.000
 Ud       O4*    C1*    H1*     109.000    3.000
 Ud       C2*    C1*    H1*     109.000    3.000
 Ud       N1     C1*    H1*     109.000    3.000
 Ud       C1*    C2*    H2*1    109.000    3.000
 Ud       C1*    C2*    H2*2    109.000    3.000
 Ud       H2*1   C2*    H2*2    109.000    3.000
 Ud       C4*    C3*    H3*     109.000    3.000
 Ud       C3*    C2*    H2*1    109.000    3.000
 Ud       C3*    C2*    H2*2    109.000    3.000
 Ud       C2*    C3*    H3*     109.000    3.000
 Ud       O3*    C3*    H3*     109.000    3.000
 Ud       beta     P      O5*    C5*    C4*      170.000   25.000   3
 Ud       gamma    O5*    C5*    C4*    C3*       55.000   20.000   3
 Ud       delta    C5*    C4*    C3*    O3*       88.000   30.000   3
 Ud       nu0      C4*    O4*    C1*    C2*       13.000   40.000   3
 Ud       nu1      O4*    C1*    C2*    C3*      -33.000   40.000   3
 Ud       nu4      C5*    C4*    O4*    C1*      137.000   40.000   3
 Ud       chi      O4*    C1*    N1     C2        30.000   40.000   2
 Ud       CONST_01 C1*    N1     C2     N3       180.000    0.000   0
 Ud       CONST_02 N1     C2     N3     C4         0.000    0.000   0
 Ud       CONST_03 C2     N3     C4     C5         0.000    0.000   0
 Ud       CONST_04 N3     C4     C5     C6         0.000    0.000   0
 Ud       CONST_05 C4     C5     C6     N1         0.000    0.000   0
 Ud       chir_01  C3*    C2*    O3*    C4*       positiv
 Ud       chir_02  C4*    C3*    O4*    C5*       positiv
 Ud       chir_03  C1*    N1     O4*    C2*       positiv
 Ud       chir_05  P      O5*    O1P    O2P       both
 Ud       plan      N1        0.020
 Ud       plan      C2        0.020
 Ud       plan      O2        0.020
 Ud       plan      N3        0.020
 Ud       plan      C4        0.020
 Ud       plan      O4        0.020
 Ud       plan      C5        0.020
 Ud       plan      C6        0.020
 Ud       plan      C1*       0.020
 Ud       plan      H3        0.020
 Ud       plan      H5        0.020
 Ud       plan      H6        0.020


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