Ahh, yes. And this is the result of nearly 3 years of trying to
square our desire to release the libraries under as open a license as
possible, while the lawyers try and cover the organisation's backside
in case someone wants to sue. I believe an attempt was made to
ensure that third parties could redistribute the libraries under
LGPL, but that founders a bit on the rocks of indemnity.
Why was 6.0 not released under LGPL, as 5.0.2 was, well, our lawyers
did not fancy trying to defend a damages case under English law when
the LGPL was used. So until there is legal precedent STFC lawyers
are going to remain wary of the GPL and LGPL.
ps- these are my views, not CCP4's or STFC's.
On 3 Jul 2007, at 20:25, Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:
> > > The approach adopted by Coot, which is GPL'd, is to use the CCP4
> > > 5.0.2 libraries, which are LGPL, along with some patches
> > > maintained by Ralph Grosse-Kunstleve to address the more serious
> > > deficiencies of the older libraries.
> > >
> >
> > Are the libraries with the patches available publicly?
> They would have to be - that's the point of the GPL :-)
The subset (!) of the CCP4 5.0.2 libraries that we need for the cctbx
is included in in the cctbx bundles here:
A standalone tar file is also available, e.g. a specific version:
Or the current version:
BTW: We cannot redistribute the CCP4 6 libraries because of an
indemnification clause. Being at a government lab, it is virtually
impossible to get our lawyers to accept this clause.
CCP4 offered a click-through license to "pass on" the indemnification,
but that would have been more work technically than maintaining
the older LGPL'ed libraries, and it would make the cctbx a lot less
attractive for others, since everybody would have to deal with the
indemnification clause when redistributing the cctbx as part of
another package.
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