It's guessing time, but it looks like you don't have write permission to the directory in which ccp4i/refmac is trying to direct the output file (or maybe the directory no longer exists, etc).
Jhon Thomas wrote: > Hi all > I am using CCP4i, and running refmac for the > refinement of the my data. I have ran this many times earlier > successfully. Now as i run the refamc5 , it runs successfully and > complete the job,but > not writing any output file. > At the end of the logfile, i get a satatement like this "CCP4I > TERMINATION STATUS 0 Error from script > /usr/progs/ccp4/ccp4-6.0/ccp4i/scripts/refmac5.script: error writing > "stdout": I/O error" > > > > please, suggest me whatcould be the problem? > > > Thanks in advance > > JT >