A 2-years post-doc position is open in Grenoble, France (Institut de Recherches en Technologie et Sciences pour le Vivant – iRTSV, CEA), to work on:

New fluorescent protein markers to study the molecular and cellular dynamics.

Research project:
One of the main goals in cell biology is to characterize molecular interaction directly in the intracellular environment. We are interested by two techniques, Total Internal Reflection Microscopy (TIRFM, Michelot et al., 2006) applied to observe single molecule dynamics and Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS or FCCS) that monitors protein concentrations and mobilities, protein interaction or localization (Bacia et al., 2006). During the past years we developed in our laboratory TIRFM to study the dynamics of actin cytoskeleton in the presence of accessory proteins in vitro (Michelot et al., 2006). We would like now to extend this knowledge in a cellular environment.To achieve this goal we have to combine different expertises. First we have to develop new fluorescent markers with improved spectral properties. For this we will use the expertise of Dominique Bourgeois's laboratory (LCCP/IBS, partners of this project) that studies the link between the structural dynamic and the fluorescent properties of proteins such as Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP).

Candidate Profile:
The postdoctoral position in our laboratory (iRTSV/PCV, CEA Grenoble) is opened to construct and express new fluorescent markers. These markers will be tested first using TIRFM microscopy on the study of the dynamic assembly of actin filament or microtubules. We will valid also this new fluorescent molecules using FCS or FCCS using the same biological system. We will have a strong interest in the structural properties of these markers. We will collaborate with Dr. Dominique Bourgeois (IBS, Grenoble) for the structural part of this project. The candidate should have a strong background in molecular biology, proteins expression and purification. Knowledge in crystallography will be very interested to develop the structural part of the project and insure the link between the different partners of the project.


     /\     Dominique Bourgeois    /\/\
    /  \          LCCP IBS        /\/ /\
 /\/    \         UMR 5075       /  \/  \
/  \     \ 41 Rue Jules Horowitz     \   \
    \     \ 38027 GRENOBLE Cedex 1    \   \
     \     \       FRANCE              \   \

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