Hello everyone,

Does anyone have suggestions or comments on the various additive screens that are available?

I was looking at the kit from Hampton (HR2-138 Additive Screen HT) in 96-well format. It appears that it should be straight forward to array out our current protein/mother liquor condition into a 96-plate and then add in the additives from the deep-well block provided by the company. The additives come 10x concentrated in a 96-well deep- well block for dilution into the arrayed crystallization condition.

Does anyone do this routinely for the crystals they grow? It would be interesting to know how often people find a systematic approach using such a kit actually improves the quality/size etc. of their crystals.



Brian L. Mark, MSc, PhD
Department of Microbiology
Room 418, Buller Building
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Phone (204) 480-1430
Fax (204) 474-7603
Web:  http://www.umanitoba.ca/science/microbiology/staff/mark/

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