Ok, Painter and Merritt describe this situation in their Acta Cryst (2006) D62 439-450 article entitled "Optimal description of a protein structure in terms of multiple groups undergoing TLS motion." At least with regard to fitting L parameters from previously refined data, negative eigenvalues of L can happen as a result of deviations from the rigid body assumption (deformations). In such cases, it would seem that the resulting principle axes are meaningless. Painter and Merritt provide a means of constraining the L parameters so as to always yield positive eigenvalues, but it is unclear to me if Refmac5 refinement applies any such constraint.

Can anyone confirm this?

If this is the case, then principle axes of ANISO records generated from TLSANL are also questionable for these particular bodies as are thermal ellipsoids.

Richard Gillilan

On Feb 25, 2007, at 8:10 AM, Richard Gillilan wrote:

After TLS refinement (which seemed to be stable and produced nice R_free values), I have analyzed the rigid body results with TLSANL. I get negative mean-square displacements along the axes of libration WRT to orthogonal axes! Am I misunderstanding something here? The units are (deg^2). I see this with two different structures. Here is the output from TLSANL:

AXES OF LIBRATION WRT TO MEAN-SQUARE ANGLE LIBRATION AXES MAKE TO ORTHOGONAL AXES (IN ROWS) DISPLACEMENT ORTHOGONAL AXES (DEG) ABOUT AXES (DEG^2) X Y Z 0.842 0.197 0.502 -53.975 32.66 78.63 59.85 -0.494 0.657 0.570 193.421 119.60 48.97 55.24 -0.217 -0.728 0.650 -12.276 102.55 136.73 49.45


Anyone seen this happen before?

Richard Gillilan

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