I recently received a referee report that stated "The authors should describe the number of residues in the fully allowed, favored. The present statistic is misleading. Molprobity is far too loose (it even gives good values for structures that are wrong!) Procheck is more realistic."

That is basically the inverse of my own experience and there are some posts on the CCP4BB supporting this view (see for example http:// www.dl.ac.uk/list-archive-public/ccp4bb/2005-07/msg00227.html ). My first reaction was that the reviewer is simply not up to date. After checking a good number of recent papers, I find that almost all papers (of which some are by people active on this board) refer to the Procheck definition. Is this because Procheck is still distributed and supported by the CCP4?

The PDB has recently stopped displaying results from Procheck analysis under the geometry tab and now only gives a Molprobity plot. Perhaps it is time to re-think the inclusion of Procheck in further CCP4 distributions or at least put a note/warning about the Procheck Ramachandran in the relevant CCP4 documentation section?



PS. Quoting the Molprobity manual: "This new data shows a core region (98% of the data) that almost exactly matches the "strict" single region defined by Kleywegt & Jones (1996, Structure, 4, 1395), but it has in common with ProCheck (Laskowski et al., 1993, J. Appl. Crystallogr. 26, 283) the definition of an allowed outer region. However, it is now clear that the early ProCheck regions were too permissive in many places and missed the now-quite-distinct gamma- turn region near +70°, -60°."

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