Dear Taiana, 

thy the updated info according to the new sfcheck style in:

or simply type "sfcheck -h"

What worked for me recently (and also described in the link above) was simply 

sfcheck -f mydata.mtz -m mymodel.pdb -omit 2 -map

you will get an omit "" in ccp4 format

good lack

Nikos Pinotsis, PhD
EMBL-Hamburg, c/o DESY
Notkestr. 85, Geb. 25A
22603 Hamburg, Germany

Phone  :       +49 40 89902144
Fax    :       +49 40 89902149
e-mail :       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Taiana Oliveira 
  Sent: Monday, 05 February, 2007 2:52 PM
  Subject: [ccp4bb] omit map on OMIT ccp4 program

  Hi everyone!!

  Does anybody have a example script for OMIT? The script link present on leads to nowhere...
  I really appreciate your help!


  Taianá Maia de Oliveira
  Laboratório de Moléculas Biologicamente Ativas - Biomol-lab 
  Departamento de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular
  Univesidade Federal do Ceará
  Campus do Pici, s/n Bloco 907 
  Caixa Postal 6043
  60.455-970, Fortaleza-Ce, Brasil
  tel/fax: +55 85 33669818 

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