I am very thankful to all who responded to my queries. But I am still not 
very clear about the concept of detwinning the data if refinement of 
twinned data using *_twin.inp (CNS inputs) works well. What could be the 
reason to put detwin_*.inp file in the CNS directory xtal_twin which is 
meant for refining twinned data. Also in CCP4 package, there is a program 
called "detwin" and then refine normally.

Thanking you all again.

Yours Sincerely,
Shankar Prasad Kanaujia
Bioinformatics Center, Department of SERC
IISc, Bangalore - 12, INDIA.
Mobile: 9845631581

On Thu, 1 Feb 2007, Debanu Das wrote:

> Hi Shankar,
>    I believe it is better to use CNS make_cv_twin.inp to define the
> reflections related by the twin operator and then  use this cv file to carry
> out refinement using the twin_lsq refinement target in CNS than to actually
> try to detwin the data and then carry out refinement with the detwinned data.
> I had a similar case recently (also at 2.0A) and also found better R/Rfree
> values on using the first approach.
> However, I think it is also possible that one of the above approaches may work
> better than the other (in terms of R/Rfree and resulting map quality after
> refinement) depending on the twin fraction, kind of twinning, etc. so it is
> better to try both as you have done. I think whichever method gives better
> maps and R/Rfree value should be used.
> However, I'm not sure why there is such a difference in R-factor values in the
> 2 approaches, mainly because I don't understand the details of twinning very
> well.
> Regards,
> Debanu.
> Shankar Prasad Kanaujia wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > I am refining a twinned (twinning fraction = 0.213 from Yeates' method) data
> > using CNS. I refined in two ways.
> > 1. Firstly, I created the .cv file using make_cv_twin.inp from CNS and then
> > e.g. used  minimize_twin.inp for minimization. The Rwork and Rfree were
> > 19.55% and 22.06% respectively.
> > 2. In the second case, I detwinned the .cv file (.cv file created in the
> > first case) using detwin_partial.inp from CNS. And then e.g. used
> > minimize.inp for minimization (Here, I am refining as there is no twinning).
> > The Rwork and Rfree were 24.5% and 26.59% respectively.
> > 
> > In both cases, I used the same model and without any water. The resolution
> > of the data is 2.0 Angs, space group R3, twinning operator (h,-h-k,-l)
> > 
> > By seeing the Rwork and Rfree, I can guess that first case is better. I also
> > superimposed two minimized pdb's and RMSD = 0.123 Angs.
> > 
> > Now My question is which of the above two ways is the right way to refine
> > the model. And why there is almost 5% difference in R-factor values.
> > 
> > Any suggestions or references will be highly appreciated. Thanking you all
> > in advance.
> > 
> > --
> > Yours Sincerely,
> > Shankar Prasad Kanaujia
> > IISc, Bangalore - 12
> > Mobile: 9845631581
> >  

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