Carlos Frazao wrote:

I have once heard and recently read that "the diffraction event results from the fact that both the X-rays wavelength and the atomic distances are of the same magnitude". Although such a relation seems appealing I am unsure if this is not a mere coincidence. Could someone clarify or lead me to a relevant reading.

First I would like to thank all who contributed to this discussion. I have certainly gained new insights on the matter. I should add that when think about this subject I would rather assume that "electrons" (and not "atoms"), together with the radiation, are at the origin of the phenomenon (one of the first "puzzles" I had to face when I was introduced into crystallography, was that "atomic scattering factors decay with the resolution due to the finite dimensions of the atomic electron clouds").
Thanks again to all,

Dr. Carlos Frazao
Crystallography Department
ITQB-UNL, Av Republica, Apartado 127
2781-901 Oeiras, Portugal

Phone: (351)-214469666 FAX: (351)-214433644

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